Tai Chi 18 Moy Style
Tai Chi 18 classes are a mixture of foundation building, and form practice. The follow along exercises in the foundation building portion of classes will vary from week to week and focus on these essential principles :
- Opening and Connecting the Body
- Building Structure and Balance
- Developing Awareness
- Spiral Stretching
- Mind and Body Communication
The form practiced in the second half of each class is called Tai Chi 18.
Tai Chi 18 contains essential postures from the 108 movement Yang style form, emphasizing health improvement principles of Moy Lin Shin. It is modularly optimized for practice in small spaces, and ease of learning.
Tai Chi 18 classes are appropriate for ALL LEVELS of health and experience, and start at the beginning of the form every two months or so.
For a more in depth explanation of Tai Chi 18, please click HERE.
Tai Chi 18 Moy Style - In Person
Classes will commence September 3.
**There will be no classes on September 17 or 24
Time: Tuesday Evening - Tai Chi 18 - 6:30-8:00pm
Location: Pleasantview Community Hall - 10860 57 Avenue
Fee: $20 paid per class
If you are interested in attending this class please contact me directly.
New! Tai Chi Video Lessons
To supplement your Tai Chi practice, or make up for missed classes or simply to be able to practice with me at your convenience, this expanding video library may be helpful for you.
For details click HERE
Zoom Information
Zoom can be downloaded for free on the App Store, or at
Class link:
Zoom class times are Edmonton, Alberta time MDT.
Join us in the Laurentians outside of Montreal, where I'll be co-teaching with my good friends Philippe and Hubert Gagnon!
TaiChi Workshop Sept. 18 to 20
Private Lessons
As an Occupational Therapist, my services are covered by some health insurance plans.
I teach a wide variety of Internal Arts, as well as provide rehabilitative services both over Zoom, and in person.
If you are interested in private sessions, please enquire directly.
If you'd like to have more information about classes, workshops, private lessons or have any other questions about Inner Health Tai Chi, please feel free to contact us.